The Five Principles of Change
Change can be difficult to do on your own which is why many seek the help of a professional. Even so, there comes a time when you are left to your own devices and so the following principles will help you stay on track. Whenever you are at a choice-point (problem, or non-problem behaviour – ie have another drink or say no / eat the cake or choose an apple / procrastinate or do it now), go through these five principles of change before you finally decide:
Principle 1
You Have One Life
You get to choose whether you fulfil your potential and your goals or whether you live with regrets and if-only’s.
Principle 2
You Have Free-Will and Response-Ability
You are not hostage to your habits, desires or excuses – you have the power of choice and are able to choose your responses in any given situation.
Principle 3
The Most Important Thing you Ever Do is Decide What’s Important
This is usually a battle between short-term pleasure and long-term goals. But, in choosing short-term pleasure it is often at the cost of your long-term goals.
Principle 4
All Choices Have Consequences
Be honest with yourself about the consequences of your choices before making your decision.
Principle 5
You are Either Moving Towards or Away From Your Goals
Do you want to set yourself back or move yourself forward?
Whenever you are at a choice-point, go through the principles, one at a time. It will almost certainly help you make the “right” choice: towards the change you want. It will empower you and create change-supportive habits.
Of course, if you need additional help, I am here to support you. Get in touch to find out how.
© Tricia Woolfrey 2013
PS If you haven’t already discovered it, I have a huge amount of resources on my new YouTube channel on how to manage stress. Check it out: there is certain to be something there that could help you.
PPS I also have a wealth of books and recordings to support you in making changes. Take a look to see which one is best for you