Your Superpower
Your Superpower

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

What would you like it to achieve for you?

Your Superpower Gifts

You may think that a superpower belongs in the realms of fantasy, but you do have within you the capacity to create powerful results by using an unexpected superpower available to you in every moment.  One which gives you a sense of inner peace that improves your immune system, helps you manage stress, releases serotonin and dopamine, lowers blood pressure, softens pain, increases self-esteem, supports psychological health, improves sleep, nurtures relationships, enhances empathy and compassion, reduces anger, and, if enough people do it, could transform our world.

This is not fantasy.  But it sounds fantastical doesn’t it?

Your Superpower in Just a Few Minutes a Day

Just a few minutes a day can create incredible results in each and every one of us.

Have you guessed it yet?

It is the power of gratitude:  that capacity to appreciate what is good in your life.  And, in these current times, it’s more important than ever.  The gratitude for:

  • that first cup of tea each day
  • a smile from a stranger
  • the sun rising each morning no matter what happened the day before
  • the air in our lungs
  • our ability to make a difference to others
  • for them to make a difference to us
  • gratitude for ambulances which come to our aid and the NHS who serve us through the most difficult times
  • our resilience to bounce back
  • technology which allows us to connect with others even as we are apart
  • the food which sustains us
  • the roof above our heads which shelter us
  • our hearts and minds
  • our friends and loved ones
  • for nature.

The sources of our gratitude are limitless.  And the effects are amazing.  But you only reap the benefits by practicing it.  Each evening before you go to sleep, write down at least three things you are grateful for:  tangible or otherwise.

Your Superpower in Challenging Times

For those of you who have lost loved ones – it is easy to be swept away by feelings of loss and grief.  This is completely normal.  But you can soften that with gratitude that they have been in your life and that they will always be in your heart.

This is a wonderful gift to yourself and to others around you.

And, if life is just too tough to be able to identify anything to be grateful for, time to have a no obligation chat to find out how I can reconnect you to your hidden superpower.

And for the cynics among you, give it a try – you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Wishing you and yours all that you wish yourselves for Christmas and the New Year.

Much love

Tricia Woolfrey

PS  If you enjoyed this article, you might also like this article.

PPS  If you feel really stuck, why not gift yourself a Breakthrough Session?