Therapy and coaching: what’s the difference? As a coach and therapist, I am often asked for the difference, if any between the two disciplines. It can be hard to know whether you need a therapist or a coach or both. So this article will help you to understand the differences so you can make an informed choice. This isn’t an exhaustive list and there is a fair amount of cross-over. In fact, with my clients, I often blend the two.
The Similarities Between Therapy and Coaching
Let’s start with the similarities. Both offer self-insight. This is important because insight is the first step to change. They can both help you manage yourself more effectively and help you live your full potential: therapy by removing blocks, coaching by creating a roadmap.
What is Therapy?
Therapy (I offer hypnotherapy and psychotherapeutic techniques, as well as NLP), helps you deal with emotional pain, increases psychological health, helps you to overcome unconscious blocks (though not all therapy does this), neutralises the past so it no longer affects you in the present (again, not all therapy does this), and provides emotional support. Of course, a lot depends on the therapist you choose, but a good one will be able to offer these.
What is Coaching?
Coaching helps you achieve your goals, increase your skills, helps you come up with ways to handle situations and helps you channel your energies positively so you get the results you are looking for.
If you are considering any change in your life, doing it alone can be really tough. A good coach and therapist will help remove the blocks and guide you to where you want to be – otherwise you might end up somewhere else entirely.
If you want to discuss how a blend of hypnotherapy and coaching could help you in your life, why not call for a free, no obligation consultation on 0345 130 0854. Or get in touch here. You will be glad you did.
PS If you aren’t sure what is blocking you, have you signed up for your Unlock Your Future download? Just click on the top right and you will receive your free copy.
PPS If you’ve ever wondered about the difference between a coach and a mentor, here is another article you might enjoy.