Do you ever feel that life is a battle? Worse still, there is a battle going on inside of you?
The Battle Within
For example, are you:
- Torn between conflicting priorities?
- Pleasing others so much you are betraying yourself?
- Sabotaging your own life goals?
- Self-critical?
- Riddled with self-doubt?
- Not being true to yourself but being who you think others want you to be?
- Creating more conflict by avoiding it?
It isn’t always comforting to know you are not alone.
They say that one of life’s greatest regrets is not being true to yourself. But with that battle within raging strong, how do you change? The habits of a lifetime can be stubborn. Unless you have the right tools.
Become Stronger than your Habits
Change is an inside job. This means that you have to reconnect with the part of you that is stronger than your habits. I teach a very powerful, mind-body-spirit version of self-hypnosis that helps you to reprogram yourself. It puts you back in control of you. So change is easier, life is more fulfilling and you experience less stress and more joy.
It helps you create the life for yourself that you want.
It’s a practice I’ve been doing for many, many years and it has helped enormously. I have “fallen off the wagon” a few times and I can tell you that I notice the difference between when I do it and when I don’t.
It doesn’t stop life from happening but means you emerge from life experiences stroner and wiser. You live your life more purposefully, honouring yourself now and in each new moment of now.
There are a couple of ways to learn this. I am running a one day workshop in a couple of weeks (with a six week support program) and I am also running a retreat in Majorca in October where you will not only learn this technique and also talks, meditations and plenty of downtime in a lovely villa with pool. Also with a six week support program. What better way to press reset on your life?
To find out more, see below.
One day self-hypnosis workshop.
End that battle within and come along. Alternatively, if you prefer to work 1:1 we can do that too. Do feel free to contact me for an informal, no obligation chat.