• Are you struggling to lose weight and keep it off?
  • Is food one of the ways you cope with stress?
  • Do you find your weight fluctuates so much you need clothes of different sizes?
  • Is your weight getting you down?

Hypnotherapy for weight loss is just one of the techniques I use to help people like you to develop as healthier relationship with food.  There are well over 50 factors that affect the ability to lose weight and keep it off which is why I have developed The Only Weigh ® approach.  This is tailored to you because no two people are the same.   We will look at lifestyle, food habits, emotional eating as well as metabolism, hormones and food intolerances.

You will then be supported throughout your weight loss journey so that you can achieve the weight goal you want for yourself - healthily.  This isn't about deprivation but changing your relationship with food, so that you can still enjoy food, it's just that you prefer less of it and your body thanks you for it.


Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss Surrey Case Study

Sarah has had problems with her weight for as long as she can remember.  She can start a diet no problem, she even loses a little weight.  But she just can't stick to it and ends up putting more on than she lost.  Her dress size is escalating to the point that she can't buy clothes in her favourite shop any more and is embarrassed when she goes out.  Her job doesn't help because she has little time for lunch and there is the vending machine full of unhealthy snacks which have become her meal replacements.  Her energy is all over the place.  She has spots because of her diet and she couldn't feel any worse about her appearance.  Using a blend of hypnotherapy, NLP coaching, EFT, nutrition and food intolerances testing, we were able to stabilise her blood sugar, improve her metabolism and help her become more emotion-responsive so she no longer needed to comfort eat as a way of coping with life.  She has lost nearly all her excess weight and has only a few pounds to go.  She says she has not only lost the weight but she has got herself back too.

Weight loss can be very difficult to achieve and maintain alone, by working together you can expect to feel a significant difference in your clothes, in your mood and in your energy.  Does that sound good to you?

Then call me for a free telephone consultation to find out how losing weight The Only Weigh ® can make all the difference to your life.


Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss Surrey

“Tricia’s CD ‘Ultimate Weight Loss’  provides the perfect pathway for those of us that don’t enjoy calorie counting and endless obsessing about food. Tricia’s programme helps you to connect with your weight loss objectives without guilt or judgement – and it works. I dropped two dress sizes and was able to enjoy wearing my favourite jacket again! Thank you Tricia! A.G., Guildford, Surrey


As well as seeing clients in Surrey, I have a clinic in Harley Street.  Do call to find out more - you'll be glad you did!