There are many reasons why someone may be carrying more weight than they want to. And it’s rarely as simple as calories-in versus calories-out. Our relationship with food is complicated. We first associate food with comfort when we are born and nurse at our mothers’ breast.

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The expectation of Christmas is one of perfectly orchestrated joy, goodwill, hearty food and glorious gifts. We try so hard to achieve perfection that it really interferes with achieving it at all. Christmas TV ads are tugging at our heartstrings (and our purses).

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I was reading an article about The Crown star Claire Foy for whom the stress of filming, motherhood, and the breakdown of her marriage left her with exhaustion and infection, necessitating six weeks off work.

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Are you the kind of person who allows life to unfold? Or the kind who likes to plan your route? There are pros and cons to both. With the former (allowing life to unfold), you can enjoy the scenery, and any surprises on the way.

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Long working hours, job insecurity, reality TV, materialism and the economy can distract us from what is really important. Whilst we are living in a world where we have many ways of communicating, we are bombarded with so much information – as well as demands on us by our families and work – that we may find ourselves feeling distracted and isolated.

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When two people argue and there seems no way to resolve it, there are factors at play which interfere with the truth. No matter how convinced we are of our ‘rightness’ we see things through a filter of experience, beliefs, deletions and distortions. Not because we want to, but because we have to.

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Sometimes we sail through life at such speed, we are unaware of what’s happening to us or the effect this is having. However, stress has consequences on your life, your relationships , your career and your health, often by stealth.

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Most of us have habits we want to break, traits we want to refine or skills we want to develop. But it can be hard. Why? Because we are working against ingrained programming that have developed over our lifetime. Some of them are inherited traits (nature) and others have formed through the passage of time (nurture). However, just because this is part of your programming, doesn’t mean you are stuck with them for life. The principles of neuroplasticity prove that you can, literally, change your mind.

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It is both Stress Awareness Month and IBS Awareness Month. I am sure this wasn’t planned but it couldn’t have been more apt because they are very linked. Although it is possible to have IBS symptoms purely because of poor gastro-intestinal health or food intolerances, I have found that most of my clients symptoms are much worse when they are stressed.

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It was Einstein who said that you can’t fix a problem with the same thinking that caused it. This is one of the reasons why people stay stuck. Not for the want of trying. But it can feel like a constant internal battle which drains your energy and your confidence. Not only that but it can take you in the opposite direction to where you want to be.

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