I’ve been helping people for over 20 years now and something has become really clear: people can come up with all kinds of explanations to not doing those things which will help them transform their lives. These come principally in two guises. A reason or an excuse. But, what’s the difference? And does it matter?

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I’m not sure whether your life is on-track or off-track. I’m not even sure if you had a plan for your life at all. But for many, life is not quite panning out. You will know if life isn’t on track if you feel a sense of frustration or ‘is this it?’. Or maybe you lack balance in your life or a sense of flow and fulfillment.

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Sometimes we sail through life at such speed, we are unaware of what’s happening to us or the effect this is having. However, stress has consequences on your life, your relationships , your career and your health, often by stealth.

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Most of us have habits we want to break, traits we want to refine or skills we want to develop. But it can be hard. Why? Because we are working against ingrained programming that have developed over our lifetime. Some of them are inherited traits (nature) and others have formed through the passage of time (nurture). However, just because this is part of your programming, doesn’t mean you are stuck with them for life. The principles of neuroplasticity prove that you can, literally, change your mind.

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It is both Stress Awareness Month and IBS Awareness Month. I am sure this wasn’t planned but it couldn’t have been more apt because they are very linked. Although it is possible to have IBS symptoms purely because of poor gastro-intestinal health or food intolerances, I have found that most of my clients symptoms are much worse when they are stressed.

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Whatever you believe to be true about life, one thing is certain – time passes whether you like it or not. This, in turn, means that one of three things have happened:
1. You have moved closer to your goals
2. You have stayed where you are
3. You have slipped backwards

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It was Einstein who said that you can’t fix a problem with the same thinking that caused it. This is one of the reasons why people stay stuck. Not for the want of trying. But it can feel like a constant internal battle which drains your energy and your confidence. Not only that but it can take you in the opposite direction to where you want to be.

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A few days into 2017 and already many New Year’s Resolutions will be faltering, despite best intentions. This isn’t because people are weak but because the psyche is complicated. Knowing how to navigate the obstacles to achieve what you want for yourself is important if you are serious about making change happen. Most resolutions are about breaking bad habits.

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With just a few weeks to go, are you looking forward to Christmas or dreading it? Does the prospect of spending enforced time with relatives worry you? Are you anxious about getting into debt at Christmas or making a fool of yourself at the office Christmas party?

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One of the questions I ask my clients is how they would rate their energy. I am amazed at the number of people who aren’t happy with their levels of energy. Sometimes it is because they feel low emotionally and their energy mirrors their mood. Or they are trying to keep a lid on any negative emotions which is leaving them exhausted.

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