I regularly write articles (a bit more substance than a blog) to help you live a more empowered life. The subjects are varied and there are bound to be some which will make a real difference to you. If there is something else which you would like me to write about do feel free to drop me a line at tricia@triciawoolfrey.com.
If you know of anyone who would benefit from reading one of the articles, do feel free to forward it on. It's good to share!
Narcissism is a hot topic – have you noticed? A lot of people, including clients, tell me they are dealing with a narcissist but this is not as easy to spot as you think. Someone may have narcissistic traits but not have full blown narcissism. In fact it really needs to be diagnosed by a...
As a parent, you want your kids to be happy. And confident. And calm. Oh, and it would be good if they slept well too, right? But sometimes that’s easier said than done. Recently, I was working with a parent, who was suffering from stress. One thing that compounded her stress was that her kids...
Another year of this? Will this make it your best year yet? How did that question make you feel? I am guessing one of three reactions: 1. Curiosity – what’s this all about? 2. Excitement – yes, I get more of this? 3. Oh no – I couldn’t stand another year like this This is...