Anger management surrey
  • Is your anger feel out of control?
  • Do you find that it gets you into trouble?  
  • Does it leave you feeling guilty?  

Anger is actually a healthy emotion but sometimes it is the way it is expressed that’s the problem.  When working with clients, whether face to face in Surrey (or Harley Street), or by Skype if they can’t get to me, I look at the triggers for your anger and help you understand what is going on for you.  Then we work on those triggers, develop strategies for self-insight and self-expression, so that you can enjoy honest communications without the emotional charge.

That way, you get your way more often.  You will be heard.  You will enjoy more self-respect, more respect from others and more harmony in your relationships.

We will look at the psychology and physiology of your anger and you will learn coping mechanisms which respect your needs just as much as they respect the needs of others, using my powerful PEACE Process.  This is not about denying your needs but about understanding situations with more insight and being able to be responsive to what’s going on rather than reactive.

Anger Management Surrey Case Study

Steve has a stressful job managing people in Surrey, working to targets and travelling the country.  By the time he got home, he had no time for niceties.  His relationship was on the ropes, his team were losing respect for him and this only fueled his anger more.  He needed anger management and he needed it fast because there was too much at stake.  Using hypnotherapy and coaching and looking at his lifestyle and triggers, he was able to deal with situations much more resourcefully.  His team performed better and his relationship with his wife has its old sparkle back.  Even his cat is more content!

Using the PEACE anger management process, you can expect to enjoy a greater sense of calm and control in your life which will have a positive impact on your wellbeing, your relationsips and your career.  Sound good?

Call me now for a free telephone consultation on how my anger management process can help you. Call now or get in touch.

PS  If you want to understand your anger better, why not try this quiz?